ASCIA Online Meetings
ASCIA is committed to providing online meetings to facilitate continuing professional development (CPD), educational opportunities and interactions for its members. ASCIA Associate members (Advanced Trainees, Nurses and Dietitians) regularly meet by videoconference, which is facilitated by ASCIA and contributes to CPD.
Monthly TAPID Zoom meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month to review and discuss complex transplantation and primary immunodeficiency (PID) cases, which also contributes to CPD.
SInce 2023 ASCIA has expanded its CPD opportunities for ASCIA members, by facilitating more clinical case review groups for clinical immunology/allergy specialists and immunology/allergy advanced trainees:
- Paediatric Immunology and Allergy Interest Group (PIAIG) meetings are chaired by Dr Shruti Swamy and Dr Isabelle Bosi and held on the 4th Monday of each month at 2.30pm AEST/3.30pm ADST, except for January and December. The schedule for 2025 is shown below. This group has been operating for over ten years, and there are currently around 100 participants.
- Adult Immunology and Allergy Interest Group (AIAIG) - this new group will be based on the successful format of PIAIG meetings and will commence in February 2025.
A Case Discussion Form needs to be completed for every deidentified case to be discussed. More details about cases may be presented using slides.
PIAIG AIAIG Case Discussion Form89.31 KB
The main objective of the ASCIA PIAIG meetings is to enable complex immunology and allergy cases to be peer reviewed and discussed in a confidential expert forum. ASCIA facilitates these meetings in a similar way to the monthly TAPID meetings.
Paediatric Immunology and Allergy Interest Group (PIAIG) Meetings 2025:
- 24/02/25 (3:30pm AEDT)
- 24/03/25 (3:30pm ADST)
- 28/04/25 (2:30pm AEST)
- 26/05/25 (2:30pm AEST)
- 23/06/25 (2:30pm AEST)
- 28/07/25 (2:30pm AEST)
- 25/08/25 (2:30pm AEST)
- 22/09/25 (2:30pm AEST)
- 27/10/25 (3:30pm ADST)
- 24/11/25 (3:30pm ADST)
Case discussion meetings are an important source of CPD. The Medical Board of Australia and the Medical Council of New Zealand have strengthened recertification requirements for medical practitioners, who will each need a CPD Home from January 2023, and must now log 50 hours of CPD annually from a range of activities:
- RACP Fellows can access Information about the RACP MyCPD program here.
- RACGP Fellows can access information about the RACGP CPD program here
- Rural, regional and remote medical practitioners can access information from ACCRM here.
Content updated February 2025