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ASCIA Progress Report - National Allergy Council Schools and Childcare project - February 2023

ASCIA’s involvement in the National Allergy Council Schools and Childcare project includes education and training of staff in schools and Children's Education/Care (CEC) Services. 

The following information summarises the progress of ASCIA’s involvement in the project as at 9 February 2023, in regards to: 

  • Increasing the uptake of ASCIA anaphylaxis e-training for schools and CEC
  • Scoping education undergraduate training

Increasing the uptake of ASCIA anaphylaxis e-training for schools and CEC

  • To obtain feedback in 2023 about ASCIA anaphylaxis e-training courses for schools, CEC and community a short survey is now included at the end of the courses, which will only take users a few minutes to complete before they obtain their certificate of course completion. All information collected will be anonymous and courses can be accessed here.
  • ASCIA e-training surveys used to be optional, whereas now they need to be completed before users obtain their certificate of course completion.
  • Once data is collated and reviewed, ASCIA anaphylaxis e-training courses will be updated as required based on feedback.
  • ASCIA will continue to maintain and provide user support for ASCIA anaphylaxis e-training courses.

Scoping education undergraduate training

Whilst we are aware that some undergraduate school teaching courses include ASCIA e-training, we do not know the extent of this, and if is mandatory or optional.

To scope the benefits, enablers and barriers for incorporating allergy training into undergraduate school teacher training ASCIA will:

  • Conduct a gap analysis to determine current allergy education being provided in universities.
  • Engage with relevant stakeholders to determine the benefits, enablers and barriers for incorporating allergy training into undergraduate training.
  • Work with NAC and other relevant organisations to develop minimum competencies.
  • Provide a report with the findings of the above activities.

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ASCIA Progress Report - National Allergy Council Shared Care for Allergy project - February 2023

ASCIA’s involvement in the National Allergy Council Shared Care for Allergy project includes education and training of health professionals. The aim of this project is to improve access to quality healthcare for people with allergies, particularly in regional, rural and remote areas.

The following information summarises the progress of ASCIA’s involvement in the project as at 8 February 2023, in regards to:

  1. Scoping of undergraduate education and training for health professionals 
  2. Review of existing ASCIA education and training resources
  3. Stakeholder consultation to identify education needs via surveys
  4. CPD point allocation for training courses and programs
  5. Promotion of patient support organisations through training and other mechanisms
  6. Providing support to users of ASCIA e-training courses
  7. MBS Item numbers for food and drug challenges
  8. Development of new training resources and programs including case-based programs
  9. ASCIA nominations to National Allergy Council Shared Care for Allergy project working party
  10. ASCIA staffing for National Allergy Council Shared Care for Allergy project
1. Scoping of undergraduate education and training for health professionals

Whilst we are aware that some undergraduate courses include ASCIA e-training, we do not know the extent of this, and if is mandatory or optional.

To scope the benefits, enablers and barriers for incorporating allergy training into undergraduate training for medical and other health professionals, ASCIA will:

  • Conduct a gap analysis to determine current allergy education being provided in universities.
  • Engage with relevant stakeholders to determine the benefits, enablers and barriers for incorporating allergy training into undergraduate training.
  • Work with other medical organisations to develop minimum competencies.
  • Provide a report with the findings of the above activities.
2. Review of existing ASCIA education and training resources

The ASCIA website was significantly updated in late 2022 to improve the user experience and make it easier to find more than 400 online resources and courses, which include:

The process for reviewing, developing and updating ASCIA online resources and training has been documented and this information is available on the ASCIA website

3. Stakeholder consultation to identify education needs via surveys

ASCIA will obtain feedback data from evaluation surveys, which will be collated and reviewed in 2023. ASCIA e-training surveys used to be optional, whereas they now need to be completed before users obtain their certificate of course completion.

In 2023 ASCIA will be collecting more data, which will include the following initiatives: 

  • To obtain feedback from ASCIA members about ASCIA online resources, education and training a survey was sent to all ASCIA members in December 2022. Responses were received from 40% of ASCIA members by the deadline of 31 January 2023, and these will be summarised in a report by the end of March 2023.
  • To obtain stakeholder feedback about ASCIA online resources, education and training a similar survey will be sent to non-ASCIA members who subscribe to the ASCIA community newsletter.
  • To obtain feedback about ASCIA anaphylaxis, food allergy, allergic rhinitis and allergen immunotherapy e-training courses for health professionals a short survey is now included at the end of the courses, which will only take users a few minutes to complete before they obtain their certificate of course completion. All information collected will be anonymous, and courses can be accessed here
  • To obtain feedback about ASCIA anaphylaxis, food allergy and allergic rhinitis e-training courses for pharmacists a short survey is now included at the end of the courses, which will only take users a few minutes to complete before they obtain their certificate of course completion. All information collected will be anonymous and courses can be accessed here

The following ASCIA meetings will also be oppportunities to obtain feedback on ASCIA online resources and courses:

  • ASCIA-DA Food Allergy Course for Dietitians - 2 to 3 March 2023
  • ASCIA 2023 Conference Allergy Update for Medical Practitioners - 8 September 2023
  • ASCIA 2023 Conference Allergy Updates for Nurses and Dietitians - 8 September 2023
4. CPD point allocation for training courses and programs 
  • ASCIA e-training courses have been updated in January 2023 to include the new evaluation surveys.
  • These surveys include questions in the health professional courses that are required for RACGP CPD point allocation.
  • In February 2023 ASCIA will apply to the RACGP (for the 2023-2025 triennium), ACCRM, PSA and other relevant organisations for CPD point allocation. 
5. Promotion of patient support organisations through training and other mechanisms 

ASCIA online resources for health professionals, patients and carers will be reviewed and updated in 2023-2024 to ensure that plain language is used where possible and to include the following information at the start of each document:

For patient or carer support contact Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia or Allergy New Zealand.

This information has also been included in ASCIA e-training courses.

6. Providing support to users of ASCIA e-training courses 

Users of ASCIA e-training courses continue to be supported through:

  • Online feedback form
  • Direct email
  • Website updates
  • Newsletter information
  • ASCIA responding to feedback from the new evaluation surveys.
7. MBS Item numbers for food and drug challenges

ASCIA is in the process of requesting recommendations regarding consultants with experience in applying for MBS item numbers for procedures. In the meantime ASCIA has developed the following resources (mostly in 2022), which will be important to reference in the MBS item number applications:

An ASCIA Position Paper for Drug Allergy Challenges is under development and is expected to be completed by the end of March 2023.

8. Development of new training resources and programs including case-based programs

In 2023 ASCIA will expand its CPD opportunities for ASCIA members, by facilitating clinical case review groups for clinical immunology/allergy specialists and immunology/allergy advanced trainees via the existing Paediatric Immunology and Allergy Interest Group (PIAIG) and the new Adult Immunology and Allergy Interest Group (AIAIG).

Facilitating these case review groups will provide ASCIA with experience and knowledge that can be transferred to upskilling other health professionals (including non ASCIA members) in anaphylaxis and allergy. These case discussion groups may be offered to health professionals who attend the following meetings (as a follow up to the meetings):

  • ASCIA-DA Food Allergy Course for Dietitians - 2 to 3 March 2023
  • ASCIA 2023 Conference Allergy Update for Medical Practitioners - 8 September 2023
  • ASCIA 2023 Conference Allergy Updates for Nurses and Dietitians - 8 September 2023
9. ASCIA nominations to National Allergy Council Shared Care for Allergy project working party
10. ASCIA staffing for National Allergy Council Shared Care for allergy project
  • ASCIA has now employed two project officers to work on the National Allergy Council projects who have commenced work on 1st March 2023, as listed on the ASCIA website
  • In addition, existing ASCIA staff (equivalent to 1 FTE) and contractors are working to progress work on the National Allergy Council projects.  

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Nominations for National Allergy Council - January 2023

Full ASCIA members and Associate (Nurse) members are invited to submit Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the following voluntary ASCIA representative roles on the National Allergy Council Shared Care Model (SCM) project overarching working group:

  • Clinical immunology/allergy specialist working in paediatric public and/or private practice.
  • Clinical immunology/allergy specialist working in adult public and/or private allergy practice.
  • Allergy nurse working in paediatric public and/or adult public practice.

For your reference, a brief overview of the National Allergy Council SCM project is available here: pdfNational Allergy Council Shared Care Model Project Overview Nov 20221.42 MB

This project will address issues related to access to quality healthcare for Australians with allergy, particularly those living in regional, rural and remote areas. Therefore, experience with setting up multidisciplinary models of care for chronic health conditions, standards of care, and/or a regional, rural or remote perspective would be an advantage, but is not essential. 

ASCIA members interested in these roles should email an EOI (up to one A4 page) and a brief CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Thursday 9 February 2023. 

The National Allergy Council is a partnership between the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) and Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia, working with the National Allergy Centre of Excellence (NACE), in consultation with key stakeholder organisations. Dr Katie Frith (representing ASCIA) and Maria Said AM (representing A&AA) are the co-leads for this project. 

The purpose of the overarching National Allergy Council SCM project working group is to:

  • Support the project co-leads in providing strategic oversight and direction across all components of the SCM project.
  • Guide national stakeholder consultations.
  • Support smaller working groups tasked with delivering various components of the SCM project.
  • Establish or build on networks and partnerships, ensuring a linked and collaborative approach.

National Allergy Council SCM working groups will:

  • Commence in March 2023 and will initially meet  for 1–2 hours duration, approximately 6 times per year. Most meetings will occur via videoconference, however occasionally a face-to-face meeting may be necessary, in which case the National Allergy Council will fund travel costs. As these roles are voluntary, no remuneration will be provided. 
  • Implement deliverables according to the National Allergy Council Activity Work Plan, which is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health, over four years (2023 to 2026). This work should lead to significant changes in standards of care, education and training for allergy in Australia. 
  • Be listed on the National Allergy Council website and acknowledged at national meetings, conferences and publications.

In addition to the three ASCIA representative roles listed above, all ASCIA members will be given the opportunity to self-nominate for one of the sub-groups tasked with progressing specific components of the National Allergy Council SCM project. Initially, there will be two sub-groups:

  • Education, training, and scope of practice.
  • Standards of care for allergic diseases. 

To subscribe to communications about the National Allergy Council SCM project email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject SUBSCRIBE.

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Immunoglobulin Governance Program Updates - January 2023

The latest Immunoglobulin Governance Program Update is now available on the NBA website (

Immunoglobulin Governance Program Updates provide a snapshot of the  current work program of the National Blood Authority and priorities in the immunoglobulin space. It is updated quarterly.

To receive the latest Immunoglobulin Governance Program Updates by email, join the Ig Updates and National Immunoglobulin Interest Group (NIIG) subscription list: email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.(link sends e-mail) with the words SUBSCRIBE Ig Program Updates and NIIG in the subject line.

In the body of the email, please indicate your interest (e.g. Healthcare Professional/ Patient/ Government, etc.) and include your signature block.

Subscribers receive notification of the quarterly Ig Program Updates, and may also be invited to informally discuss and comment on individual Ig-related issues as they arise (participation is optional).

For more information on NIIG, see:

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PBAC Meeting March 2023  

ASCIA has lodged four submissions on 20 January 2023 in support of applications for new or updated Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) listings of products (listed below) that are relevant to allergy and immunology. These applications are on the agenda of the  March 2023 Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) meeting.  The submissions can be accessed at

Oral powder 400g
Clinical indications: Cow's milk anaphylaxis, severe cow's milk protein enteropathy with failure to thrive, combined intolerance to cow's milk protein, soy protein and protein hydrolysate formulae, cow's milk anaphylaxis, proven combined immunoglobulin E (IgE) mediated allergy to cow's milk protein and soy protein, severe intestinal malabsorption including short bowel syndrome.
Proposed change to PBS listing: To request that EleCare LCP with new source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) continue to be listed on the PBS under the current conditions.
ANIFROLUMAB (Saphnelo®) - AstraZeneca Pty Ltd
Solution concentrate for I.V. infusion 300 mg in 2 mL vial
Clinical indication: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
Proposed new PBS listing: Resubmission to request a Section 100 (Highly Specialised Drugs Program) Authority Required (written) listing for the treatment of severe SLE with a high degree of disease activity despite standard therapy.
BUDESONIDE (Jorveza®) - Dr Falk Pharma Australia Pty Ltd
Tablet 500 micrograms and tablet 1 mg (orally disintegrating)
Clinical indication: Eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE)
Proposed change to PBS listing: To request PBAC advice regarding the number of biopsies to confirm eligibility for initial treatment; removal of the histological assessment to determine eligibility for continuing treatment; and an expansion to the treatment criteria to include physicians or surgeons experienced in the diagnosis and management of EoE.
VARICELLA ZOSTER VIRUS RECOMBINANT VACCINE (Shingrix®) - GlaxoSmithKline Australia Pty Ltd
Injection [1 vial] & adjuvant substance diluent [0.5 mL vial]
Clinical indication: Prevention of herpes zoster and post-herpetic neuralgia
New PBS listing:  Resubmission to request a National Immunisation Program listing for the prevention of herpes zoster and post-herpetic neuralgia in:
  • Adults 65 years of age with ongoing catch-up for adults over 65 years of age.
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults 50 years of age with ongoing catch-up for adults over 50 years of age. 

Providing input

Feedback is due by 25 January 2023 at

The PBAC considers these public consultation inputs when considering the clinical and economic evidence presented by the applicant (sponsor). Consultation input for items to be considered by the PBAC in March 2023 can be submitted via the online survey on the Office of Health Technology Assessment Consultation Hub. Questions in the survey focus on issues such as:

  • Unmet needs or challenges around current treatment
  • Health or quality of life outcomes that are considered important
  • Expected benefits of the medicine
  • Side effects - what is manageable and what is not
  • Costs associated with current treatment


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Donate to AIFA and make a difference to allergy and immunology research - December 2022

Thank you to our generous supporters, who have enabled the Allergy and Immunology Foundation of Australasia (AIFA) to provide over $620,000 to 27 research projects since 2014:

  • AIFA ensures that 100% of your tax deductible donation will directly fund grants for allergy and immunology research, not administration or marketing. Donations can be made online on the AIFA website.
  • All donations of $100 or more are listed on the AIFA website in perpetuity to provide a lasting legacy.
  • Named AIFA research grants of $10,000 or more can be targeted to specific clinical areas.
  • AIFA is an ASCIA initiative - ASCIA and AIFA are registered with the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC).

Thank you also to the AIFA expert grant selection panel, led by Dr Melanie Wong, who volunteer their time to work on the robust AIFA grant selection process.

AIFA grant rounds open in March each year and are announced at the ASCIA Annual Conference in September, which also includes presentations by previous AIFA research grant recipients in an annual AIFA Research Symposium. 

To be eligible for an AIFA grant the Chief Investigator must be an ASCIA member and the research needs to be carried out by the chief investigator and designated team in a non-profit institution in Australia or New Zealand. 

To donate to allergy and immunology research go to

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Voluntary recall of specific batches of ALK Peanut SPT in Australia - December 2022

AMLS is voluntarily withdrawing specific batches of ALK peanut allergenic extract for diagnostic skin prick testing (SPT) in Australia. AMSL will collect affected batches and will provide replacement products. All existing stock has been removed from the AMSL inventory and will be returned to ALK. 

ALK-Abelló, Inc. has been made aware of multiple adverse events from Allergists in Australia resulting from diagnostic SPT using specific batches of ALK Peanut SPT product in 5mL and 10mL packaging configurations at 1:10 w/v. Information on the specific batches is included in this document pdfMarket Withdrawl Letter for Peanut Diagnostic177.98 KB.

According to these reports, individuals who were test-negative using the above product lots subsequently experienced allergic reactions to peanut. 

If there are any questions, contact the AMSL Allergy team:

Ph +61 (02) 9882 3666 | +61 (0)448 022 855 | LinkedIn

2 McCabe Place, Chatswood NSW 2067

PO Box 5197 Chatswood West NSW 1515

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Pharmac to fund EpiPen for severe allergies from February 2023

Pharmac has confirmed on 15 December 2022 that it will be fully funding the EpiPen brand of adrenaline (epinephrine) autoinjectors from 1 February 2023, which will benefit thousands of New Zealanders. 

The media release from Allergy New Zealand is available here:
pdfAllergy NZ response to Pharmac announcement Dec-2022180.68 KB

The following ASCIA resources have been updated in January 2023 to reflect this funding change:

The following is a media release from Pharmac.

“We are pleased to be able to share that adrenaline auto-injectors will be funded for anyone who has previously experienced a severe allergic reaction, known as anaphylaxis, or anyone who is at significant risk,” says Pharmac’s director of operations Lisa Williams.

“Funding adrenaline auto-injectors will improve the quality of life for thousands of individuals who have allergies, their caregivers and whānau. We estimate that there will be around 12,000 people accessing adrenaline auto-injectors in the first year of funding, increasing to 17,000 people per year after five years,” says Ms Williams.

“Pharmac would like to acknowledge everyone who summited feedback on the consultation,” says Ms Williams. “The responses were supportive of funding and offered suggestions to make sure that everyone eligible can access them. This feedback has made sure adrenaline auto-injectors will make a considerable difference to people’s lives.”

One change we have made, after considering feedback about the diversity of patient pathways and the risk of inequities, is to allow access criteria applications for funding (which includes assessment of anaphylaxis risk) by any relevant practitioner rather than by a specialist. We consider this better reflects the multi-disciplinary nature of our healthcare system and will support more equitable access to adrenaline auto-injectors for those who need them.

Allergy New Zealand’s chief executive Mark Dixon says, “We are delighted with Pharmac’s decision and recognise everyone who has worked so hard to raise awareness of the need for this funding. We know the hugely positive impact it will make on the lives of the thousands of New Zealanders living with the risk of anaphylaxis. On their behalf we are grateful and look forward to working with Pharmac to ensure all communities have equal access and knowledge to benefit from this decision.”

“We were really pleased to share this decision with Allergy New Zealand and look forward to working with them to help New Zealanders benefit from this treatment,” says Ms Williams. “We are working to be faster, clearer, and simpler with our funding decisions. Today’s decision is one of many that we’ve made this year and we’re pleased to say there are more to come.”

Further information

Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 021863342 if you would like to know more or contact Allergy New Zealand’s chief executive Mark Dixon at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

People can learn more about the EpiPen brand of adrenaline auto-injectors through the supplier’s website, and at

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